Wednesday, March 13, 2013

No Labels for Lisa

Sometimes I worry that incoming freshman lawmakers who enter the sausage factory of a legislative session will become cynical and jaded before their time. (Like certain reporters I could name.)
Sen. Lisa Torraco

But that doesn't seem to be the case with Sen. Lisa Torraco, R-Albuquerque. In a news release this morning, Torraco was full of sunshine.

 “I am encouraged how well we are working together in the New Mexico Senate and I want my fellow senators to know they are appreciated," Torraco said. "The U.S. Senate should look to the New Mexico  Senate for guidance and leadership regarding working across the aisle to fix things.”

Torraco said she'll be handing out pins to other senators today from a national political group of moderates called "No Labels." Said the senator, “I hope we all wear them proudly as a reminder that we fix and don’t fight.”

No Labels, according to its website is "a movement of Democrats, Republicans and everything in between dedicated to the politics of problem-solving. We stand united behind a simple proposition: we want our government to stop fighting and start fixing."

The co-chairmen of No Labels are former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a Republican and U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat. Neither one is particularly loved by the partisan "bases" of their respective parties.

But the session isn't over yet. I'll let you know if any senator stabs another with his No Labels pin before Saturday.