A 27-year-old former Marine and Iraq War veteran has formed an "exploratory committee" to look at challenging freshman U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Lujan next year.
Adam Kokesh of Santa Fe said in a statement released today:
When I got out of the Marine Corps, I joined the monumental fight to end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, bring the troops home to defend America, and restore a Constitutional foreign policy. Having won the public to our side, it is time we take the fight to the capitol.
Over the next couple of months, I look forward to meeting supporters all across the district as we make our decision on whether or not to run for Congress. I have been blessed with standing shoulder to shoulder with citizens across the nation, but now I return back to my roots of New Mexico in the desire to represent the citizens of New Mexico's 3rd district. Now is the time to decide if running for Congress is the best way to continue my service to my country and to the constituents of New Mexico's 3rd district.
He's already been endorsed by local activist Leland Lehrman, who worte in an email, "Despite my friendship with and respect for Rep. Ben Ray Lujan and his father, I was disappointed to learn that Rep. Lujan had voted to fund the ongoing occupations in Iraq and Afhanistan. Just because a Democratic President is in the White House does not make these wars any better."
It's not clear whether he's running as a Democrat or on some independent or third party ticket. His blog has a photo of Republican Ron Paul, who ran in Republican presidential primaries last year.
For more information, check out Kokesh's Wikipedia page.