I'm still on vacation, but I figured I had better phone blog this press release. So here from Hog's Family Restaurant in Flagstaff, Az. :
Hobbs, NM -- For the past half year, I have stood by and hoped for the best for our state and country. I had hoped Harry Teague would look out for the hard working people of New Mexico.
Sadly while I hoped for the best, Harry Teague embraced a reckless set of policies that directly jeopardize our economy and threatens future generations.
He went to Washington and quickly voted for massive amounts of wasteful spending, loading up on pork barrel projects and radically increasing the size of government.
Now Harry Teague chose to vote for the job-killing cap and trade bill. If this bill becomes law, it will devastate jobs in New Mexico and further cripple the American economy.
Harry Teague’s cap and trade bill will:
Hit families with as much as $1500 a year in higher energy costs.
Destroy jobs in New Mexico’s energy sector.
Will cost New Mexico over $200 million in higher electricity bills, but lower costs in California and New York.
Harry Teague put his allegiance to the liberal leadership of Nancy Pelosi ahead of the working families of New Mexico.
I can not let this happen to the people of New Mexico. So today, I am signing paperwork to run for the Second Congressional District. This district needs a Congressman who will fight for jobs for New Mexico families. Harry Teague won’t. I will.