Over the last ten months a lot of New Mexicans have encouraged me to run for Governor in 2010. I understand why New Mexicans want a strong leader to restore fiscal responsibility and integrity in Santa Fe and I deeply appreciate the confidence so many New Mexicans have expressed in me.
At the same time, I am well aware of the demands and limitations of elected office. My work in the private sector is satisfying, I do volunteer work that matters, and I am enjoying having more personal time to spend with family and friends. The Governor of New Mexico has no significant national security role -- an issue area that continues to be an important part of my life. Running for office and being Governor means setting these things aside.
To every thing there is a season. I will probably return to public life at some point, but I have decided that I will not run for Governor or any other office in 2010.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Heather Not Running
I just received this e-mail from former U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson: