"Don't f#@#*&^ look at me!"
From the Governor's Office
WHEREAS, Dennis Hopper is a world-renowned and legendary actor, director, writer, and filmmaker who has appeared in nearly 200 films and television shows for six decades; and
Whereas, Dennis Hopper has shared the screen with fellow Hollywood acting legends including Jack Nicholson, Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Hopper received critical recognition and won prestigious awards for his work in Easy Rider, Hoosiers, and Blue Velvet, and was nominated for an Academy Award® for Best Original Screenplay for Easy Rider in 1970, and for Best Supporting Actor in 1987 for his performance in Hoosiers; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Hopper is known best by many for his highly successful independent film, Easy Rider, in which he starred, wrote and directed. His success in this endeavor helped pave the way for independent filmmaking; and
WHEREAS, Easy Rider was filmed in New Mexico in 1968; and since that time, Dennis Hopper has been at the helm of several film productions in New Mexico, including the recent Starz Network hit-series, Crash; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Hopper is also a prolific photographer, painter, and sculptor in fine arts, pop arts, and abstract expressionism, with his works being exhibited worldwide, including the recent showing at the Harwood Museum of Art in Taos; and
WHEREAS, for four decades, Dennis Hopper has been a resident of
WHEREAS, Dennis Hopper is a friend, supporter and advocate of Native Peoples in New Mexico and supports the State’s rich cultural diversity; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and an honor that the State of New Mexico extends appropriate recognition and deep appreciation to Dennis Hopper, a cultural icon and friend to many, for his artistic and cultural contributions to our State and to the entire world;
NOW, THEREFORE I, Bill Richardson, Governor of the State of
“Dennis Hopper Day”
throughout the State of
Attest: Done at the Executive Office this
17th day of February, 2010.
Mary Herrera Witness my hand and the Great Seal
Secretary of State of the Great State of New Mexico
Bill Richardson