“Others may have considered pardoning Billy the Kid,” the governor said in a news release, referring to her predecessor, who got the state, and himself, untold tons of publicity with his consideration of a Kid pardon. Richardson masterfully milked that until his very last day in office.
“But, we’re not letting (Billy the Kid) off the hook," Martinez said. "This effort should provide New Mexicans and others with not only a chance to interact with one of our state’s most infamous historical characters, but a wonderful opportunity to enjoy all of the diverse and exciting wonders that exist in every corner of New Mexico.”
The Tourism Department has created a website where those wanting to compete can create a profile. There will be locations aroundthe state that will have clues that lead to Billy’s New Mexico "hideout." (Most historians think he's been "hiding out" in a grave at Ft. Sumner for the past 131 years, but I don't want to spoil the fun.)
"The more clues that are collected, the more information will become available as to where, when, and how the Kid can be captured," the news release says. "People can download the `Catch the Kid' smartphone application to play along, or they can play by taking pictures next to clue posters in each location throughout the state and uploading them to their profile page. The first posse to present the Kid with an arrest warrant will win a $10,000 reward."
So there you have it.
But the best thing about Billy the Kid popping up in government stories is that it gives me an excuse to post good music on this blog. Enjoy some Zimmerman: