Monday, July 12, 2010

A Twist on the Bob Martinez Controversy

On Friday the state Democrats criticized Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez for using state Fraternal Order of Police president Bob Martinez in a campaign ad attacking Dem candidate Diane Denish.

Bob Martinez is a former executive director of the State Adult Parole Board who was fired in 2004 as by current Gov. Bill Richardson for failing to notify victims of a parole hearing for pedophile priest. (Again, with the child molesters!)

But state Republicans point out that back in 2006, the Bill Richardson campaign accepted the endorsement of the state FOP, and that the president of the state organization of the time was none other than Bob Martinez, this was a couple of years after Richardson had fired him. They didn't use his face in an ad, but as the GOP points out, nobody in the Democratic camp was calling Martinez soft on sex offenders when that endorsement came out.

In his letter to Richardson, Martinez said the FOP took that position because the governor had supported collective bargaining for police officers.

That's not why the FOP is supporting Martinez, however. She's on tbe record as wanting to repeal collective bargaining. She told me a couple of months ago:

I support New Mexico being a right to work state so as to improve our economy and become competitive with surrounding states that are right to work states. This allows employees to decide for themselves if they want to participate in a union.

Here's the letter. It's much easier to read in full-screen mode.

FOP 2006 Richardson Endorsement