Here's my story in today's New Mexican about a former OptumHealth executive saying the Martinez administration targeted the 15 providers because of ties to past Democratic governors. The BehavioralHealthcare.net story in which Jana Spalding made the remarks is HERE (She's quoted on page 2 of the article.)
In my story, Human Services spokesman Matt Kennicott quotes a recent KUMN interview with Attorney General Gary King. That portion of the interview is on the Youtube at the end of this post.
I also wrote about a news conference in Albuquerque earlier this week.
In it, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino refers to an article by Human Services' deputy counsel Larry Hyeck about freezing funds of providers during fraud investigations that was published in a legal journal last year. That article is HERE.
Finally, here's the "primer" on the behavioral healthcare controversy that ran in Sunday's edition.