Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just in Case You're NOT following our Twitter ...

... the Death Penalty repeal, HB285, did indeed pass the House last night and goes on to the Senate. My story in the paper is HERE.

As I noted in the story, the 40-28 vote is virtually the same as 2007's vote on that year's capital punishment bill. But three representatives who voted against abolition last time -- Republicans Diane Hamilton and Jimmy Hall and Democrat Andrew Barreras -- voted in favor of the current bill. One who supported the bill in 2007, Rep. Debbie Rodella, voted against it this time.

Like I've said many times before, the true test of this bill will be in Senate Judiciary -- and if it does pass the Senate, the next hurdle would be Gov. Bill Richardson, who has said he's favored the death penalty in the past.

(By the way, the New Mexican's Twitter page is HERE. )