State Sen. Tim Eichenberg, D-Albuquerque, who had been considering a race for lieutenant governor, showed up at a coffee held by state Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones , R-Albuquerque -- who is running for governor -- and said Lt. Governor Diane Denish "can't win."
From Bralley's blog What's Wrong With This Picture:
He talked with current Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, who is the only declared gubernatorial Democratic Party candidate, telling her that because of her “complacency or complicity with the ‘pay-to-play’” atmosphere surrounding the administration of Governor Bill Richardson, and standing quietly behind him, Eichenberg was unwilling to invest a half million dollars in a losing campaign.
"I looked her square in the eye when I said that,” Eichenberg said. “I told her I didn’t think she was going to win.”
Pretty strong words from a fellow Democrat!
As I blogged here a couple of weeks ago, I talked with Eichenberg at the outset of the special session and he told me he wouldn't be running. At that time, however, he didn't mention pay-to-play or spending a half-million dollars on a losing race.
Eichenberg told me that he "doesn't compliment the ticket." As I said at the time, I assumed he was talking about ethnicity. He would have been the only Anglo among six Hispanic candidates. Denish also is Anglo.
Why was he at an event sponsored by a Republican lawmaker/gubernatorial candidate? Bralley explained Eichenberg's district overlaps with Arnold-Jones' and it's billed as a "Saturday morning constituent meeting" that's "open and nonpartisan."