Some very sad news today. Eli Senna, a Santa Fe political consultant who has been involved in several local campaigns, died early this morning. He was in his 30s.
I don't know yet the exact cause of death.
Eli was very active in the Santa Fe County Democratic Party as well as the Young Democrats, both the state and national organization.
I've talked with a few of his friends. Both County Commissioner Harry Montoya and City Councilor Rebecca Wurzburger credit Eli's help for winning campaigns.
His friend and fellow Young Dem Sisto Abeyta wrote in a Facebook tribute this morning:
Eli was the best of all of us. Some people might say that Eli didn't have a vindictive bone in his entire body, for someone so entrenched in the political process Eli was always the first to say , "Screw it Brother lets go have a beer with them and talk it out."
I always enjoyed talking politics with Eli and seeing him at political events. He was loved around here.
I'll have more information in tomorrow's New Mexican.