You can find that on Moore's Web site HERE . According to those figures, Moore has raised more than $118,000. Of that, $100,000 is a contribution from himself.
His contributors include several Republican legislators including Sens. Clint Harden and Carroll Leavell and Reps. Don Bratton, Don Tripp and Dennis Roche. Former state Land Commissioner Bill Humphries is among Moore's contributors as is Lou Gallegos, former chief of staff for Gov. Gary Johnson.
I was so busy in the lead-up to the special session last week I forgot to mention that GOP gubernatorial hopeful Pete Domenici Jr. also released a list of contributors. He's raised more than $264,000, according to his Web site.
Domenici donated $50,000 of his own money to the campaign. He also got about $40,000 connected to Robert Fiser, an Albuquerque lawyer who has been convicted of tax evasion.