Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Governor Signs Two Bills

Don't worry, lawyers, it's not the redistricting bills she's vowed to veto.

But Gov. Susana Martinez did sign the absolutely uncontroversial Public Education Commission redistricting bill. She cited that as an example of "the kind of bipartisanship that should characterize a task as important to New Mexicans as redistricting."

Of course, the PEC has very little real power. They advise the Public Education Department and approve charter schools.

Earlier today, as expected, she signed the in-state preference bill which closes a loophole that allowed out-of-state companies to receive a preference reserved for New Mexico businesses bidding on state contracts. The bill will require businesses to be housed in the state and employ New Mexico workers to be eligible for a five percent advantage when contracting with the state and local governments.

Martinez had vetoed a similar that came out of the regular session, saying there was a drafting error. She had promised to sign a corrected bill.