Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Vote on Casino/ATM Bill Today

Apparently the Senate has decided not to debate Senate Bill 330, sponsored by Sen. Richard Martinez, D-Española, which I wrote about in today's New Mexican.

That's the bill that would allow racetrack casinos to put automatic teller machines on the gambling floor.

Unfortunately the funniest part of the story got cut in the editing process.

It was when Guy Clark, executive director of the New Mexico Coalition Against Gambling told me there's been a rise in advertising for adult diapers in gambling magazines. (Clark argues that the gambling industry gets people addicted to slot machines and would do anything to keep compulsive gamblers at the machine. Adult diapers would help that purpose.)

Not being a big reader of gambling magazines, I can't verify if it's true that those ads are there. But what an image it conjures.