Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Denish Releases Her Own Poll Memo

I'm taking these candidate-commissioned polls with enough salt that it can't be good for my blood pressure ...

But the Diane Denish camp has released their own polling results, obviously in response to the latest Susana Martinez poll released this morning.

Martinez still is winning, according to the Denish poll, conducted by Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. But according to this poll, the spread is only 5 percentage points with Martinez at 49 percent and Denish at 44.

"Denish has begun to make up significant ground with Hispanics and
now leads Martinez by 17 percentage points with Hispanics, up from a 9 percentage point lead in August," the memo says. "While Denish is not quite where she needs be with Hispanics, this movement has put Denish on the right trajectory with this group."

The poll was conducted Sept. 12-14 of 850 likely voters. There was an "oversample" of Hispanics "who were then weighted down to reflect their share of the electorate."

This means the campaign wanted to get a detailed read of Hispanic voters.

Denish Poll Memo Sept 12-14