After being dumped as chairman of the Agriculture and Water Resources Committee -- and being completely removed from that and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee -- state Rep. Andy Nunez, D-Hatch says he's "seriously debating" switching parties.
"I'm going to let the dust settle a little for a week or so," he said in a telephone interview a few minutes ago.
"Whatever I decide (House Speaker Ben Lujan)'s not going to have much of my support on the floor for anything."
Lujan, who as speaker has complete power over House committee assignments, was put on the Education and Transportation committees.
"He's not vindictive," Nunez said sarcastically of Lujan.
Nunez said before the committee switch he and Lujan had a "good conversation" and Nunez aired his grievances about Lujan not sending certain bills to Nunez's committees, and givng Nunez's bills three committee assignments.
As noted in my previous post, Nunez told Heath Haussamen this week that if his vote would have made a difference, he would have voted for Republican Leader Tom Taylor over Lujan.
After losing eight seats in the last general election, Democrats have 37 members compared with 33 Republicans. If Nunez switches, the number would be 36-34.