Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Photo by T.J. Sullivan I did a story about CDR Financial Products, the company at the center of the grand jury investigation into the Richardson administration, for today's paper (CLICK HERE). I leaned heavily on a 2006 profile in Bloomberg. Also I quote a new article at OpenSecrets.org that talks about CDR's campaign contributions to Bill Richardson and other politicians..

One fun part of working on this story Monday was talking with former New Mexican reporter T.J. Sullivan, who lives near CDR's old headquarters in Beverly Hills and offered to photograph the building. Thanks to T.J. I learned that the firm actually has moved from the building in Beverly Hills -- the one that was raided by the FBI a couple of years ago -- and relocated to a building in a less fashinable section of Wilshire Boulevard a few miles away. The old address is still on the Web site though. And for some reason the paper ran one of T.J.'s shots of the old building.

Sometime Monday evening, after I'd checked out the CDR Website, the company published this letter there about the New Mexico investigation.

Also, check out Kate Nash's story, which includes an interview with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and coverage of the governor's press conference Monday morning.